Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jeff Foxworthy, Where Are You?

If you believe that your state should secede from the Union....
If you want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a bridge that would service a few hundred people a day....
If you have a son named "Track" or "Trig" or a daughter named "Piper" or "Bristol"...

Well you just might be a redneck.

If you want to fire the city librarian for not banning enough books....
If your husband is a champion snowmobile racer....
If you think it's cool to shoot at animals from helicopters....

You may, in fact, be a redneck.


If you don't believe in birth control or evolution...
If you have an unmarried, pregnant teenage daughter...
If the Republicans think you are a viable candidate for Vice-President of the United States....


1 comment:

Sandra said...

hahaha you funny or the picture is funny. hahaha
Hello anyway :)